- TD Bank faces potential $3 billion in penalties and growth limits in the U.S.
- Allegations relate to failure to curb money laundering by drug cartels
- TD Bank posted unexpected Q3 loss after setting aside billions for anticipated fines
- CEO Bharat Masrani announced he will step down in April 2025
- TD Bank shares falling in premarket trading following the news
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), one of Canada’s largest financial institutions, is reportedly facing significant penalties and restrictions on its U.S. operations.
According to recent reports, TD Bank may be required to pay approximately $3 billion in fines and accept limits on its growth in the United States due to allegations of inadequate anti-money laundering practices.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is expected to impose these penalties and place restrictions on the growth of TD Bank’s U.S. retail operations.
These actions stem from charges that the bank failed to properly monitor and prevent money laundering activities, particularly those linked to drug cartels.
The Wall Street Journal reported that TD’s U.S. unit may plead guilty to criminal charges as part of a resolution to a U.S. Department of Justice probe into money laundering allegations. These allegations are specifically tied to a Chinese crime operation, though details of the operation have not been disclosed.
In August 2024, TD Bank posted an unexpected third-quarter loss as it set aside billions of dollars in anticipation of these fines. This proactive measure highlights the severity of the situation and the bank’s acknowledgment of potential financial repercussions.
TD Bank CEO Bharat Masrani previously stated that the bank was working with U.S. regulators and law enforcement to resolve the issues.
However, in a separate announcement last month, TD Bank revealed that Masrani would be stepping down from his position in April 2025. The bank has already announced a succession plan, with Raymond Chun, who currently heads Canadian personal banking, set to take over as the new CEO.
The news of the potential penalties and growth restrictions has had an immediate impact on TD Bank’s stock performance. Shares of the bank fell in premarket trading, with reports indicating a drop of around 4.5%. This decline adds to the stock’s lackluster performance for the year, which had already seen a slight decrease prior to this news.
The implications of these penalties and restrictions could be significant for TD Bank’s operations in the United States.
The growth cap, if implemented, would limit the bank’s ability to expand its retail operations in the U.S. market, potentially impacting its long-term strategy and competitiveness in the region.
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